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Wondering... A Poem By Ifeoluwa Oseni

Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue?
And why the trees and grasses are green?
Well I have wondered too
I just wonder what if the sky was red?
Will it still form part of our daily routine?

I was just wondering, what if everything was backwards?
And birds flew back instead of forward?
Would we change backward to forward or would we remain the same wayward?

I was just wondering if gold was silver and silver was gold
Would we still settle for the old?
Would we change the old for the new or would the old still remain the same old?

Well, I’m just wondering,
Never said it’s the truth
But a little imagination does not hurt
Don’t keep pondering,
 Just keep on wondering
And who knows, maybe you will uncover what is true.

Ifeoluwa Oseni is a Year 8 (JSS 2) Student of Roemichs International Schools, Ilorin,  Kwara State.
Wondering... A Poem By Ifeoluwa Oseni Reviewed by nationalmoonlight on 06:53 Rating: 5

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