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Our Curriculum

  The School aims to provide a rich and varied curriculum in order to promote the all round development of the children. The staffs make conscientious preparation for their work. In the long-term planning, there is appropriate attention to the main areas of the pre-school and the learning experience which are to be promoted. The weekly overviews of the work show how these plans relate to the learning experiences which are to be promoted. The weekly planning will be further developed to provide more detail on the learning potential of some of the play activities.
Thoughtful organization of the daily routines allows the School's day to run smoothly and creates appropriate periods of uninterrupted play, both indoors and outdoors. Good use is made of the mid-morning snack and the lunch routines to help develop the children’s social skills. The daily timetable emphasizes opportunities for the children to make choices and to explore freely the full range of activities, it also provides a good balance of free play and activities organized by the staff. 
The staffs engage the children in valuable discussion about their play and experiences, and participate sensitively in many of the activities to develop thinking skills and to extend the learning. The play areas are laid out attractively at the beginning of sessions; a wide range of activities help to promote interesting and stimulating play. A good range of play opportunities are provided; the activities are well developed and make use of some interesting resources to stimulate the children’s imagination. 
Our Curriculum Reviewed by Roemichs on 13:59 Rating: 5

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