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ONE SUMMER DAY... A Poem by Ifeoluwa Oseni

I sat on the grass, one summer day
Watching the birds fly by
I watched the boat coming in and out of the bay
And I climbed on one and said goodbye.

We sailed to the hills far away
The river’s tide was strong
And while the captain led the way
The water took us along

When we got to a water-fall
My reflection I could see
The trees moved at the wind’s call
And I knew this is where I should be

Now I and the sea are friends
Never to be parted at all
And friends we will remain till the end
Until death comes knocking at the door

Ifeoluwa Oseni is a Year 8 (JSS 2) Student of Roemichs International Schools, Ilorin, Kwara State.
ONE SUMMER DAY... A Poem by Ifeoluwa Oseni Reviewed by nationalmoonlight on 06:59 Rating: 5

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